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Working from Home

As this coronavirus spreads and greater social distancing measures are put in place and enforced, more and more of us are being forced to work from home.
Finding space for a home office can be hard particular if you have young children or house share.

When you are no longer in a more structured environment, like your office it can take time for your brain to adjust as you take a more leisurely approach, with the temptation to stay in your Pjs and work from your bed.

Ensuring and implementing strict boundaries is very important to maintain good mental health and productivity. Opening up the laptop to do work while cuddled up in bed sounds like a great idea but in reality not only is it bad for your physical health, your mental health and your posture will suffer to.

If you do plan on doing this, you will blur the lines between sleep and work. Your bedroom should be only for sleep and if lucky enough sex and should not become an extension to your office.

Once you merge the boundaries between sleep and work its proven both will suffer as you become less productive. The best work space should have good natural light as this is very important to boost mood and keep energy levels up.

If possible place your laptop near a window. A recent study in America has shown workers exposed to natural daylight during the day got better sleep than those that didn’t. You need to create a space in your home that is specifically for work and work only. A place where you close the door or turn off the light. You are finished till tomorrow, just as if you were to leave your office or place of work. This will help you switch off.

Take care

By David O shea


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