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World Mental Health day

Sleep and mental health are closely connected. Sleep deprivation
has been medical proven to affect your psychological and mental
health. According to a recent report published by Harvard Medical
School those with mental health issues are more likely to suffer
from insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Their studies in both Adults and children suggest that sleep
problems may raise risk to, or even directly contribute to, the
development of some psychiatric disorders. This said, the
treatment of a sleep disorder may also help alleviate the symptoms
of co-occurring mental health problems.

There is a direct link between sleep and mental health. A good
night sleep helps build a mental and emotional resilience. The
opposite can be said as sleep deprivation sets in it can lead to
negative thinking and make an individual emotional vulnerable.
Most people under value sleep and still believe “if you snooze you
lose” So how you can improve your sleep. Here are some use full
tips. Establishing a sleep routine is a great starting point.

1. Ideally maintaining the same bedtime and wake time as it
helps build consistency.
2. Lifestyle changes like cutting out coffee after 2 o clock or
reducing intake.
3. Limiting your tech exposure as blue light is one of the biggest
sleep disruptors. If you do have to work late, Henshaw
eyewear has the solution with their very affordable blue block
4. If you are going to bed and are worried or stressed over
certain issues, it helps to write them down and clear your
head before sleep.
5. Room temperature should be between 16-18 degrees. Not to
hot or to cold.
6. Another big sleep disruptor is light pollution. Black out blinds
is a simple and effect way to eliminate this issue.
7. A house plant, like a spider plant is simple to keep with little
or no maintenance and acts as an air purifier .Better air,
Better Sleep.
8. A tidy room means a tidy mind. De-clutter your room. It
should only be for sleeping and not become an extension to
your office.
9. When you wake, open your blinds straight away and allow
natural light in this helps make you feel more alert.
10.As we sleep we perspire, so starting the morning with glasses
of water helps you rehydrated giving you a great start to the day.
Don’t under value your sleep again.


By David O shea


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