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Coffee and Sleep

Caffeine can be found in many different drinks and foods, from tea, coffee, chocolate, soft drinks and even some medication. The amount found in these products varies in quantity. Over the last 10 years the coffee culture has grown, becoming an important part of daily life and our routine. Caffeine...

World Mental Health day

Sleep and mental health are closely connected. Sleep deprivationhas been medical proven to affect your psychological and mentalhealth. According to a recent report published by Harvard MedicalSchool those with mental health issues are more likely to sufferfrom insomnia or other sleep disorders. Their studies in both Adults and children suggest...

Bigger is Better

Partner disturbance is one of the most common complaints for a person havinga poor night’s sleep. A bigger bed means you are less likely to disturb each other. A couple should be able to lie beside each other placing their hands behindtheir heads without touching each other’s elbows. Here are...

Lavender and Sleep

Lavender herb of which there are over 40 different varieties wasoriginally found in Northern Africa and the mountain regions of theMediterranean. Lavender is probably one of the most studiedessential oils in terms of the calming and soothing benefits. It hasbeen proven to reduce stress, stabilize your mood and improve yoursleep....

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